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When Do You Need a Class Action Lawyer?

On Behalf of | Mar 28, 2022 | Litigation

Oftentimes, civil lawsuits brought to court involve one person filing a claim against another when their rights are infringed upon. But what happens when hundreds–or even thousands–of people are negatively affected by the negligence of either a single party or multiple? Class action lawyers can help a group of people filing a joint claim in court receive justice for any harm caused by the actions of a second party.

What Is a Class Action?

A class action occurs when a group of negatively affected plaintiffs harmed by a second party band together and present their legal claims as one. Most often, class action cases are a result of one offending party, oftentimes a business, behaving unethically or negligently in a manner that affects more than one individual. For instance, if a company produces a substandard product and several people buy it, these consumers, if negatively affected, can collaborate to receive compensation for any damage caused.

What Does a Class Action Lawyer Do?

Class action lawyers are experienced legal guides that help a party facing damage from another determine if their case serves as grounds for a class action lawsuit, as opposed to an individual claim. Some of the most common cases that warrant the help of a class action lawyer include circumstances that involve:

  • Product liability
  • Uncouth treatment of employees by a company they work for
  • Environmental issues
  • Corporate fraud
  • Substandard medical services
  • Environmental issues

In the event that a class action lawsuit is determined to be appropriate, class action attorneys build the validity of a claim by locating any other negatively affected parties who may be eligible to join. Once a class action is organized, these legal experts help all plaintiffs consolidate their claims and act as a single entity, ultimately granting the case more substantiality in court.

Is My Case Eligible for a Class Action Lawsuit?

If you’ve been harmed by a business or other entity’s negligence and believe that your case is eligible for a class action lawsuit, you’ll want to consider the criteria for filing suit. At a minimum, more than one person will need to be harmed by similar circumstances enacted by the same party or parties for a class action lawsuit to be made possible. In addition, the severity of the monetary damages that each member of the class action has suffered may also determine the eligibility of your lawsuit.

When debating whether to file or join a class action and pursue a civil lawsuit, it’s important to first contact a class action attorney to help you understand what to expect from the claims process. At Shanklin Sosa Injury Law, our class action lawyers provide insight into the legal steps needed to take to ensure a successful lawsuit that will yield fair compensation for all parties harmed in your case.

Get Legal Help From Class Action Lawyers

If you’ve been negatively affected by the negligence of another party, you may not be alone. With the help of Shanklin Sosa Injury Law’s expert class action lawyers, your case can be brought to justice, no matter if it involves one person or thousands. To receive legal counsel from a team of experienced class action lawyers, contact Shanklin Sosa Injury Law for your free consultation today.